
Articles Posted in DUI


Fort Lauderdale DUI Manslaughter Cases in Court

Prosecution in a number of DUI-related deaths in Fort Lauderdale has recently made headlines, with authorities seeking harsh penalties for convicted defendants. Courts in Florida are given broad discretion in terms of sentencing in a DUI manslaughter case, thought there is a minimum mandatory sentence of four years in prison,…

Posted in: DUI

Report: Florida Cornerback Avoids Criminal Charges for DUI Hit-and-Run

In the wee hours of the morning in early October, the starting cornerback at Florida State University was returning from a celebration of his team’s victory. Meanwhile, in the opposite direction, a teenager was returning home from his shift at the Olive Garden. The football player reportedly entered the oncoming…

Posted in: DUI

Florida v. Henderson – Court Rejects 4th DUI as “Isolated Incident”

A woman arrested for her fourth DUI while still on probation for the third had not committed an “isolated incident” warranting a downward departure on sentencing, Florida’s Fifth District Court of Appeal ruled recently. It was the second time the case of Florida v. Henderson had been before the appellate…

Posted in: DUI

Florida, Ohio Issue Conflicting DUI Breathalyzer Rulings

Florida and Ohio courts both recently were tasked with weighing the viability of breathalyzer results as key evidence in criminal cases alleging driving under the influence of alcohol. Both courts came up with different answers. The news isn’t good for those arrested for DUI in Florida. In Vuong et al.…

Posted in: DUI
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