Florida has always been a boater’s paradise, though many have increasingly been taking to the water to get a dose of Vitamin Sea while still following social distancing rules. But don’t expect law enforcement to be lenient on boating under the influence violations just because we’re in the middle of…
Articles Posted in DUI
Should You Refuse the Breathalyzer During a Florida DUI Sobriety Test?
Recent reporting by The New York Times reveals that breathalyzer tests, used in almost every police department in America, routinely generate skewed results – even though they’re marketed as being precise to the third decimal. Last year, judges in New Jersey and New Hampshire tossed more than 30,000 breathalyzer test…
Consequences of an Underage DUI Arrest in Florida
The State of Florida allows for no exceptions when it comes to driving under the influence of alcohol or drugs. In the best-case scenario it’s a mid-level misdemeanor, unless your Fort Lauderdale DUI defense attorney can help you plead down the charge or possibly succeed in having the case dismissed…
Unconscious DUI Suspects May Have Blood Drawn by Police, SCOTUS Rules
Florida DUI defense attorneys know that a key part of due process in these cases from the very beginning is that if police want to secure blood from a suspect who is unwilling, they’re going to need a warrant first. Of course, there are exceptions, which the U.S. Supreme Court…
DUI on a Lawnmower? Florida DUI Defense Lawyers Discuss Other Applicable Vehicles
A Florida DUI arrest of a man driving a lawn mower has raised questions about the type of “vehicle” on which one might be arrested for DUI in Fort Lauderdale. Local news reports are that a Haines City police officer was inside a business when a loud crunch from outside…
Florida DUI Defense Lawyer Answers: Are Roadside Blood Tests Legal?
Law enforcement officers wishing to obtain a blood sample of a driver suspected of being impaired would be wise to get a warrant. However, the latest practice of so-called “e-warrants” is making that process much easier, a fact our Fort Lauderdale DUI defense attorneys want to make individuals aware. When…
Birthday Bummer: Florida DUI Defense Lawyers Fight So it Won’t Follow You for Years to Come
As long-time Fort Lauderdale DUI defense attorneys, we’ve encountered plenty of cases where defendants were arrested for drunk driving on America’s birthday (July 4th), around the holiday recognized for Jesus Christ’s birth (Dec. 25th) and of course the birth of each new year (Jan. 1st). Still, there is one holiday…
Miami DUI Arrests Down Overall, But Defense Lawyers Expect a Spike on New Year’s Eve
Some are crediting the presence of ride share companies like Uber and Lyft (also referred to as transportation network companies, or TNCs) with driving down the number of DUI arrests and crashes in Miami. The City of Miami reported Miami DUI arrests dropped by nearly one-third over the last four…
Florida Juvenile Defense Lawyers: An Appellate Split on Smartphone Passcode Protection
As Florida juvenile defense attorneys, we have seen an increasing number of criminal cases wherein the contents of one’s smartphone have become exceedingly relevant. It’s not just teens who have become reliant on smartphones of course. The Pew Research Center reports 95 percent of Americans own a cellphone of some…
Officials to Re-Evaluate Florida Marijuana DUI Campaign
Since the passage of Amendment 2 in 2016, Florida lawmakers have been trying to weed through the state’s already-complex marijuana statutes to hammer out new rules for growing, processing, distributing and possessing/ using the plant. Some individual cities have adopted their own ordinances with regard to recreational marijuana, which has…