
Fort Lauderdale Criminal Attorney Blog


DUI on a Lawnmower? Florida DUI Defense Lawyers Discuss Other Applicable Vehicles

A Florida DUI arrest of a man driving a lawn mower has raised questions about the type of “vehicle” on which one might be arrested for DUI in Fort Lauderdale. Local news reports are that a Haines City police officer was inside a business when a loud crunch from outside…


Report: South Florida Cops Have Used Sneak-and-Peek Cameras for Years

The intense media spotlight of the vigorous Florida criminal defense case being mounted following the Boca Raton prostitution arrest of billionaire NFL team owner Robert Kraft has revealed some interesting facts about South Florida police use of secret surveillance cameras. One of the main takeaways for those facing criminal charges…


When Am I Entitled to a “Free” Criminal Defense Attorney?

In both federal and state criminal cases and even some civil case, the law (thanks to the U.S. Supreme Court decision 55 years ago in Gideon v. Wainwright) affords defendants the right to representation by a criminal defense attorney – even for misdemeanors. It is only when the individual is…


Florida DUI Defense Lawyer Answers: Are Roadside Blood Tests Legal?

Law enforcement officers wishing to obtain a blood sample of a driver suspected of being impaired would be wise to get a warrant. However, the latest practice of so-called “e-warrants” is making that process much easier, a fact our Fort Lauderdale DUI defense attorneys want to make individuals aware. When…


Florida Supreme Court Overturns Homicide Conviction Finding Defense Theory Not Disproved

The Florida Supreme Court recently overturned the first-degree murder conviction for a 2013 crime committed when he was a teenager. He was supposed to be in prison until he was in his 70s. Now, assuming he gets no further time, he’ll walk out in his 40s. That’s a rare outcome.…


South Florida Defense Attorney’s Take: When One Defendant’s Trash is a Prosecutor’s Treasure

The saying goes that one man’s trash is the next man’s treasure, basically meaning that we all place different value on material goods. But in the case of a South Florida defense attorney, it’s more likely to refer to the fact that you’re literal trash may be the treasure of…


Florida Criminal Defense Lawyer: When is Case Delay Worthy of Dismissal?

If you are accused of a crime in Fort Lauderdale, you are guaranteed the right to a speedy trial. That means that criminal cases can be successfully dismissed if there are prosecutorial delays that violate a defendant’s due process right to a speedy trial. But what is the exact period…


Rude Gesture to Police: Inadvisable, But Not Illegal, Federal Judge Rules

Our Fort Lauderdale criminal defense attorneys generally advise clients that when interacting with law enforcement, one should be firmly quiet – but generally polite. That last part is more for your benefit than theirs; police officers have a fair amount of discretion, and you risk greater scrutiny and harsher treatment…


Hidden Cameras Used by Florida Law Enforcement Come Under Fire

The hidden cameras used in a South Florida prostitution sting are drumming up nearly as much discussion as news of a billionaire sports team owner’s arrest for solicitation of prostitution. According to reporting and analysis published in The Sun Sentinel, the question is whether allegations of sex trafficking are sufficient…


Florida Medical Marijuana: Does it Impact Vehicle “Sniff-and-Search”?

Florida has allowed possession and sale of marijuana for medicinal purposes since 2014 per the Compassionate Use Act, with expanded qualifying conditions effective in 2017, per the passage of Amendment 2. Miami marijuana defense attorneys at The Ansara Law Firm know many communities, including Broward and Miami-Dade, “decriminalized” the possession…

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