Five counts of DUI manslaughter have been dropped against a South Florida man accused of causing a crash while high on marijuana. Prosecutors simply said there was not enough evidence to support those charges, but the move comes after serious questions were raised about the veracity of the blood test…
Fort Lauderdale Criminal Attorney Blog
Florida v. Wiggins – Video in DUI Case Refutes Key Officer Testimony
More than ever, our criminal justice system relies on technology to aid in the fact-finding (or disputing) process. From DNA analysis to reviewing the contents on a computer hard drive, our Fort Lauderdale DUI defense lawyers know the ability to tap into technology plays a vital role. However, it’s still…
Lane v. Florida – 2nd DCA Suppresses Evidence in “Consensual Encounter”
Consensual encounters with police have been the subject of numerous Florida court decisions and muchpublic debate. A central point in these discussions is whether such an encounter is ever truly consensual, where one of those parties is armed and has a great degree of authority. Our Fort Lauderdale criminal defense…
Florida v. Parker – Motion to Suppress Order Reversed
A former Florida college student’s decision to speak with a detective regarding two alleged sexual assaults he allegedly committed at a party the night before will be used against him in court. Initially, the trial court granted a defense motion to suppress those statements, meaning they couldn’t be used in…
Drug-Free Zone Law Challenged in Florida’s 4th DCA
Drug-free zone laws in Florida are designed to make children and communities safer by limiting sales of illegal substances near schools, daycare centers, parks and churches. Per Florida Statute Section 893.13(1)(e), those caught selling certain narcotics within 1,000 feet of such facilities could face penalty enhancements. In some cases, it…
Branson v. Rodriguez-Linares – Domestic Violence Injunction for Cyberstalking
A domestic violence injunction is intended in Florida as a means of protecting individuals from harm by those who have previously shown aggression or other dangerous tendencies. Most often, people think of injunctions or restraining orders as being granted when a paramour physically attacks his love interest. It’s true this…
Parker v. State – Florida Drug Conviction Overturned Due to Improperly-Admitted Gun Evidence
A defendant convicted of multiple drug charges in Fort Lauderdale has had that conviction reversed, and the case remanded for retrial, on the grounds that prejudicial evidence was admitted into in error. Further, Florida’s Fourth District Court of Appeal found the trial court erred in a number of rulings that…
Villalobos v. State – Florida DUI Manslaughter Conviction Reversed
In a case in which a traffic death is alleged to have been caused by a drunk driver, it’s imperative for the accused to secure an experienced attorney dedicated to relevant challenges at every phase in the process. One of the most important phases is voir dire, in which lawyers…
Romanyuk v. State – Florida Prescription Drug Conviction Overturned
Florida’s Second District Court of Appeal recently found in Romanyuk v. Florida that a trial court wrongly denied jury instructions requested by the defense in a prescription drug criminal case. The case resulted in a conviction, which per the new ruling is now reversed. Our Broward criminal defense lawyers see…
State v. Teamer – Vehicle Color Discrepancy Not Grounds for Traffic Stop
Acquiring a new paint job on your car isn’t grounds for police officers in Florida to pull you over. This might seem a common-sense conclusion, but it was one recently decided by the Florida Supreme Court in State v. Teamer, where officers tried to use such logic to justify a…