The Broward Medical Examiner’s Office admits it may have botched thousands of DUI drug toxicology test results, jeopardizing countless convictions and calling into question pending cases. Our Fort Lauderdale DUI lawyers are ready to take your calls with questions concerning this matter, as it’s likely to affect a large number…
Fort Lauderdale Criminal Attorney Blog
Report: Domestic Violence Up in Broward, Palm Beach
The Broward County Bar Association recently released a detailed analysis offering some insight into why local domestic violence cases have surged. Broward domestic violence defense attorneys know that a big part of it has to do with the economy. It’s practically a science – meteorologists can tell from barometric pressure…
Broward Criminal Defense Watch: Jails May Get Less Crowded
The majority of those who have been jailed in Broward County are there for relatively minor crimes, and many have yet to be convicted. It’s a rotating population, but some are apparently staying for longer than they should, and an outside consultant has recommended jail officials trim their numbers by…
Tampering With Ankle Monitor Results in Bigger Trouble
A wealthy man who is on house arrest while appealing his high-profile conviction of Florida DUI manslaughter charges earlier this year is back in jail after reportedly tampering with his ankle monitoring device. Fort Lauderdale criminal defense attorneys understand that polo magnate John Goodman, who was paying for constant home…
Fort Lauderdale Domestic Violence Charges No Laughing Matter
A report under the news category, “Flori-Duh” mocked a Fort Lauderdale man who had been arrested on charges of domestic violence battery after reportedly covering a woman with tomato sauce and shaving cream. However, Fort Lauderdale domestic violence defense lawyers know that in all seriousness, the charges are nothing to…
When is Discipline in Fort Lauderdale Child Abuse?
A Boynton Beach woman is facing criminal charges after police say she beat her young son with a belt after he was reported at school for bad behavior. Fort Lauderdale criminal defense lawyers know that 50 years ago – and even today in certain cultures – such conduct would barely…
“Stand Your Ground” Applied to Broward Nightclub Shooting
Prosecutors have declined to press charges against a 50-year-old man who shot a 33-year-old outside a nightclub in March, saying the shooting was justified under Florida’s “Stand Your Ground” law. Fort Lauderdale criminal defense lawyers know that the law has gained a great deal of notoriety in the last year…
FL Man Arrested For Battery, DV Strangulation, Mischief
When it comes to domestic violence arrests in Florida, there is no one-size-fits all charge. The fact is, prosecutors have a host of varying options to choose from when it comes to charging, and it’s all based on the specific evidence available in each individual case. This is where having…
Woman Arrested in Boynton Beach Domestic Violence for Stabbing Young Brother
So often when we talk about domestic violence in the criminal sense, we picture a man lashing out at a woman with whom he’s romantically involved. But our Fort Lauderdale criminal defense lawyers know that under the actual definition of the law, there are many other scenarios that qualify. Such…
Woman’s Recent DUI Marks 19th Arrest
Most people facing DUI charges are terrified because it’s the first time they’ve ever become entangled in the criminal justice system. Not so for a 29-year-old Florida woman, whose recent DUI arrest is her 19th since she became an adult. Fort Lauderdale criminal defense attorneys know that cases such as…