
Fort Lauderdale Criminal Attorney Blog


Greater Use of Remote Technology Expected in Certain Florida Criminal Proceedings

We all know the legal world takes a bit more time than most to catch up to technological trends. Sometimes, this is a good thing; developing policy, procedure, and law on the basis of brand new tech that we still don’t fully understand the long-term implications of could have major…


Is Evidence of Prior Bad Acts Admissible in Florida Domestic Violence Cases?

Defendants in Florida domestic violence cases should understand that while they still have the rights of most other criminal defendants, the justice system does deviate in its approach and practices in several respects with these cases. For example, you’re still presumed innocent until proven guilty, but if there is a…


Can I Claim Self Defense in a Florida Domestic Violence Case?

Recently, a man in Florida was arrested after allegedly shooting his live-in girlfriend four times in the back. Upon arrest for first-degree murder, he told police his actions were in self-defense. How likely is it that one can be successful in a claim of self-defense in Florida domestic violence cases?…


Florida Legalizes Concealed Carry of Firearm Without Permits

With the signature of Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis on April 3rd, 2023, Florida strengthened its citizens Second Amendment rights by allowing individuals to carry a concealed firearm (starting July 1st) without requiring purchase of a concealed carry permit. The measure makes Florida the 26th state to decriminalize concealed carry of…


Can a Fort Lauderdale Defense Lawyer Help With My Suspended License?

Having a revoked or suspended driver’s license in Florida – whether as a result of traffic violations or a DUI – can complicate your life logistically in so many ways. Not being able to legally drive is more than a minor inconvenience. It can make it tougher to attend school,…


Can Florida Police Lie to Juvenile Suspects During Questioning?

While there are laws against perjury in all states, police in Florida are allowed to lie to suspects – including juveniles – during questioning. Any confessions obtained during these deceptive interactions can be used against the defendant. Recognizing that juveniles are especially vulnerable when faced with these types of interactions…


Why One Man’s Trash is a Florida Prosecutor’s Treasure

Most people don’t give their trash a second thought once they’ve brought it to the curb. However, the contents of that garbage can be life-altering for suspects in criminal cases. As our Broward criminal defense lawyers can explain, so-called “trash pulls” are an increasingly common means for police and prosecutors…


Bill to End Depositions in Some Florida Criminal Cases Would Impact Defense

An important part of an effective criminal defense strategy occurs in the discovery phase of the process, when both sides take depositions of witnesses. Depositions are sworn testimony given by witnesses out-of-court. Both prosecutors and defense lawyers use them to gather pertinent information about the case. They are set up…


Why Self-Defense is a Risky Claim in Broward Domestic Violence Cases

Although society tends to view domestic violence as a one-sided crime, the reality is often a bit messier than that. It’s not unusual for both sides to be physical with each other. Yet law enforcement in Florida are statutorily urged to identify and arrest just one primary aggressor. One can…


Fort Lauderdale Criminal Defense Lawyer Explains Upside of “Withholding Adjudication” in Florida

If you’re arrested in Broward County, you might qualify for a Florida criminal case outcome that involves “withholding adjudication.” As a Fort Lauderdale criminal defense lawyer can explain, this is a type of case outcome that isn’t a conviction – but it isn’t an acquittal or dismissal either. If you’re…

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