Articles Posted in DUI


Florida’s “Move Over” law states in part:

316.126 Operation of vehicles and actions of pedestrians on approach of authorized emergency vehicle.–

(b) When an authorized emergency vehicle making use of any visual signals is parked or a wrecker displaying amber rotating or flashing lights is performing a recovery or loading on the roadside, the driver of every other vehicle, as soon as it is safe:

1. Shall vacate the lane closest to the emergency vehicle or wrecker when driving on an interstate highway or other highway with two or more lanes traveling in the direction of the emergency vehicle or wrecker, except when otherwise directed by a law enforcement officer.


This law was enacted with the intent to do one simple thing; prevent Florida law enforcement from being hurt or killed by oncoming vehicles while on a traffic stop. However, critics of the Florida “Move Over” law are alleging that the Move Over law is being abused by Florida Law Enforcement.

It has been referred to as the “Move Over Trap”. An officer will wait on the side of the road with his lights on simply to use the Move Over law as justification to conduct a traffic stop. Florida law enforcement knows that simple traffic stops often turn into arrests for crimes such as drug possession and driving under the influence.

I recently asked a Broward County Sheriff’s Deputy about his thoughts on the Florida Move Over law.
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