Articles Tagged with criminal defense attorney

Most folks know that misdemeanors are “minor” offenses (at least in comparison to the more serious felony tier of crimes). However, that doesn’t mean the impact on your life will be minor.

In fact, you can face heavy fines, jail time, and reverberating effects in other areas of your life that have the potential to plague you for years to come.Fort Lauderdale criminal defense lawyer

If you are arrested for a misdemeanor offense in Broward County, it’s important to invest in legal counsel. Our primary goal is usually for our client to walk away without a conviction, but even when that’s not possible, a skilled criminal defense lawyer can help negotiate the charges down to a lesser offense, fight for reduced penalties, and soften the impact on your daily life.

Florida Misdemeanor Penalties

Under the umbrella of misdemeanors, there are two tiers of severity:

  • First-degree misdemeanors. The maximum penalties for 1st degree misdemeanors in Florida are punishable by up to one year in prison, a maximum fine of $1,000, or both.
  • Second-degree misdemeanors. The maximum penalties for 2nd degree misdemeanors in Florida are punishable by a maximum 60 days in jail, a fine of up to $500, or both.

(There are also non-criminal violations that are typically issued via citation that carry possible fines and other penalties, but usually no jail time.)

Penalty schedules for misdemeanor and felony offenses are laid out in F.S. 775.082 and schedules are spelled out in F.S. 775.083.

But it’s possible your penalties could even exceed this if certain enhancements apply. This could happen because of aggravating circumstances (you used a gun, the alleged victim was a minor, etc.), you have prior convictions, etc. In some cases, first-degree misdemeanors can be leveled up to third-degree felonies – meaning all of the sudden, you’re facing the possibility of five years in prison and a $5,000 fine.

In addition to this, judges can require completion of costly diversion programs, community service, house arrest, substance abuse treatment and monitoring, loss of driver’s license, etc. Depending on your circumstances and the nature of the offense, a misdemeanor charge or conviction can have a ripple effect on your life – in a pending divorce case, child custody issue, an immigration matter, or with your professional license. You could also be kicked out of school, be disqualified for certain loans, and passed over by certain landlords.

All of this is why hiring a Broward criminal defense lawyer to represent you with your misdemeanor is imperative. The State of Florida does provide you with legal counsel if you cannot afford one yourself – but only if you are facing the possibility of jail time. And while there are many dedicated, experienced lawyers working for the public defender’s office, the amount of time and resources they dedicate to your case is likely to be less than what a private lawyer can devote. When we’re talking about your future, that’s not something you want to skimp on. Continue reading

If you are arrested for domestic violence in Fort Lauderdale, there is no one-size-fits-all defense solution. That said, there are some strategies that are commonly used because they have proven effective in many cases. Fort Lauderdale domestic violence lawyer

When you hire a defense lawyer, you can generally trust they are going to carefully examine the police incident report, arrest affidavit, and any existing evidence to begin formulating their legal approach.

Some questions we may ask in our initial review of the facts:

Florida law imposes minimum mandatory sentences for certain serious or violent offenses. However, even someone who is convicted of a less serious offense may face severe penalties – if they had a prior conviction. Fort Lauderdale criminal defense attorney

In fact, the state legislature imposes several categories of sentencing enhancements for repeat offenders, which include:

  • Habitual felony offender
  • Habitual violent felony offender
  • Violent career criminal
  • Prison releasee reoffender

As our Fort Lauderdale criminal defense attorneys can explain, anyone previously convicted of a crime who now stands newly accused must take the potential consequences seriously. Investing in quality legal representation is an imperative when the stakes are so high for your freedom and future. Continue reading

If you’re searching Broward criminal defense attorneys for hire, you’re likely wondering how much it’s going to cost. You’ve probably heard at least one attorney advertisement with the phrase, “We only get paid if you win.” Important to note: This does NOT apply to criminal defense lawyers – and for good reasons, which we’ll explain more later.Broward criminal defense attorneys

However, those with limited financial resources still have options.

If you’ve been arrested in Fort Lauderdale, it’s important to both carefully plan your next move and try your best to stay within budget. The right attorney can help you do that. Attorneys are ethically bound to only charge “reasonable” fees for their services. If their charges are excessive, they could face action from the state Bar Association.

Here, we’re going to break down how payments to Florida criminal defense lawyers work and what you can expect when hiring an attorney.

Your Right to Free Counsel

Most people have heard the phrase, “You have the right to an attorney… If you cannot afford one, one will be provided for you at no cost…”

This is part of the “Miranda Warning,” a required statement made prior to custodial interrogations (questioning that occurs after police have arrested or detained someone). However, people mistakenly assume that this right to free legal counsel applies to all criminal defendants. It does not.

Let’s start with the fact that the Sixth Amendment to the U.S. Constitution is what gives criminal defendants the right to counsel – regardless of whether they can afford it – in federal prosecutions. However, most criminal prosecutions in Florida occur at the state level, pursued by state-level prosecutors, who are referred to as state attorneys. The right to counsel was not applied to state prosecutions for felony offenses until the 1963 U.S. Supreme Court ruling in Gideon v. Wainwright. The incorporation doctrine applied this right to state felony cases, but it does not apply for certain misdemeanors.

In Florida state-level prosecutions, you do have the right to a state-appointed criminal defense lawyer if:

  • You are facing jail time AND
  • You cannot afford one on your own.

If you can afford to hire your own lawyer, it’s a good idea to do so. We have known excellent criminal defense lawyers working for the Florida Public Defender’s Office. However, they are often carrying heavy caseloads, and may not have a great deal of time to dedicate to your case. Hiring a private criminal defense lawyer is typically to your advantage.

It’s a common misconception that because you aren’t appointed a criminal defense lawyer that you don’t need one. While lower-level misdemeanors may not involve jail time, a conviction can often have a significant impact on your life – one that a qualified criminal defense lawyer can work to substantially mitigate. It is typically to your advantage – financially and otherwise – to hire a Broward criminal defense lawyer even for misdemeanor cases.

Why Can’t Florida Criminal Defense Lawyers Be Paid on a Contingency Fee Basis?

The phrase, “We don’t get paid unless you win” refers to a contingency fee arrangement with an attorney. Continue reading

December is best known for all its holidays, but it’s also associated with a spike in certain types of crime. According to the National Crime Victimization Survey, crimes that see an uptick during “the most wonderful time of the year”:Fort Lauderdale criminal defense attorney

  • Robbery
  • Personal larceny
  • Domestic violence
  • DUI

The seasonality of crime trends has been studied for decades, with some studies finding clear patterns and others finding the link more ambiguous. Theft crimes in particular shoot up right around the holidays, climbing in some regions by a full 20 percent. Violent crimes, such as murder and sexual assault, tend not to follow this same pattern. Incidents of domestic violence, however, do slightly increase, probably because folks are spending more time at home.

As our Fort Lauderdale criminal defense lawyers can explain, several of these crimes could be charged as felonies, depending on the individual facts of the case and the degree to which alleged victims are affected. Even misdemeanor crimes, though, can have a substantial impact on your future, potentially limiting your housing and employment options. Further, because criminal convictions and other history are public, such charges may impact your personal life, including personal relationships, child custody, and immigration status. Investing in the help of an experienced criminal defense lawyer to help minimize the affect is not just about the short-term concerns of impending jail time, but what that conviction could mean for you years down the road.

Here, we take a closer look at the crimes most common in December, and possible defense tactics that can minimize the impact of such charges on your life. Continue reading

If you’re visiting South Florida this spring break, the last souvenir you want to bring back is a DUI charge. If this is the situation in which you find yourself, our longtime Fort Lauderdale DUI defense lawyers can help. Fort Lauderdale DUI defense lawyer

Last spring was fairly abysmal for an annual spring break season in Florida, but this year is looking up. Some hotels are reporting 75-80 percent capacity, as many folks venture out for the first time in more than a year. Florida is especially popular right now because it hasn’t been as rigorous in its enforcement of health and safety measures as other states, and people from all over the country are looking for a more relaxed change of scenery.

South Beach, Fort Lauderdale and the Florida Keys remain a top spring break destination in the U.S. If you are arrested for DUI here, you could be facing substantial penalties, so it’s important to work with a local criminal defense attorney  well-versed in state law and local processes and who has successfully represented numerous people arrested while visiting from out-of-town. Continue reading

The internet has been revolutionary, allowing us to connect with others – locally and across the globe – in real time in a way that’s never before existed in human history. But it’s not been without its complications, at least where application of the law has been concerned – and that includes criminal law.criminal defense lawyer

Although many online interactions and exchanges – however heated – can be safely considered “free speech,” its bounds aren’t limitless. In fact, communications over the internet may in some cases be at higher risk of crossing the criminal threshold because they lack the benefit of context, inflection or familiarity of face-to-face or even phone conversations.

Florida criminal defense attorneys know law enforcement agencies are increasingly keen to solicit and investigate tips of threats made online, particularly in the wake of several mass shootings. Some agencies have said that dozens of potential shootings were stopped by this heightened vigilance in the wake of shootings in Dayton and El Paso.

Still, many of those charged find themselves bewildered that words, images or videos posted to a Facebook page or Instagram account might potentially have them facing jail time. Continue reading

With the proliferation of smart phones – each containing a great deal of personal information. In some cases, that information can be incriminating. Courts across the U.S. have been attempting to find common legal ground on the issue of whether persons should be compelled to reveal their cell phone passcodes if it could unlock potentially self-incriminating information.criminal defense attorney

This summer, our Fort Lauderdale criminal defense attorneys wrote about the recent ruling by the California Supreme Court ruled attorneys can subpoena private social media posts where they are pertinent to a criminal case.

Now, Florida’s 1st District Court of Appeal has sided with a criminal defendant who fought against being fought to comply with an order requiring him to supply prosecutors with his cell phone password. This is welcome news for Florida defense lawyers, but it does conflict with a previous state appellate court ruling, making the issue ripe to be heard by the Florida Supreme Court. Continue reading

After he was sentenced to life in prison at age 16 for a non-murder felony, Terrence Graham argued the injustice all the way to the U.S. Supreme Court – and won. Because of that case, teens convicted of felonies that did not involve a homicide cannot be locked up for life without parole. Doing so, the U.S. Supreme Court ruled, amounts to cruel and unusual punishment because youths change. For better or worse, one is rarely the same person at 36 that they were at 16.Fort Lauderdale juvenile defense lawyer

But the namesake of the landmark 2010 ruling in Graham v. Florida is still locked up – nearly a decade after that ruling and having served more than 15 years behind bars. He recently lost an important appeal in his ongoing bid for freedom. The loss of this appeal means he’ll be behind bars for at least another six years.

At 16-years-old, he and two others robbed a restaurant in north Florida, beating a manager with a metal pipe in the process. After pleading guilty, he spent one year in jail and was placed on probation. The following year, he was arrested for home invasion robbery, F.S. 812.135, a first-degree felony that carries a possible life sentence if a firearm is used. Because of the prior felony, he was sentenced to life in prison. Continue reading

Manslaughter is the killing of another human being without malice aforethought. That means a person may not have intended for the other person to die (unlike homicide/murder), but nonetheless that was the result of one’s conduct, usually reckless or criminally negligent. It can stem from crimes like driving drunk, criminal assault or neglect. In these cases, it is not necessary to prove intent.manslaughter defense lawyer

Recently, several nursing home employees were arrested on charges of manslaughter, pursuant to F.S. 782.07, following the deaths of 12 elderly patients who overheated in sweltering conditions with no air conditioning after Hurricane Irma struck South Florida in 2017.

Manslaughter is considered aggravated when it involves the death of an elderly person or disabled adult due to culpable negligence without lawful justification. Culpable negligence, as noted in Florida Standard Jury Instructions, is defined as a course of conduct that shows reckless disregard for human life or for the safety of individuals exposed to it that displays recklessness or wantonness. Continue reading

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